What Are Pay Lines? Charlie August 02, 2024 01:25 Updated Pay Lines show you the ways you can win on Ruby Sweeps Games! Features, pay tables and pay lines can be found on all our games at Ruby Sweeps under the little question mark icon or help icon inside our games! It's usually around the left-hand side of the screen.Pay lines, refer to the lines where a winning combination of icons must appear for you to get a win! 🥳You can see we have a bunch of different pay lines, or winning lines on our games. There are different patterns too, like zigzags, diagonals and straights.Different games have different pay lines, some games have 5 pay lines, and some have 20! You can see on the games how many pay lines you can hit at once, it's usually found as a little icon on the top left corner of the slot-style box. 🙌You can also hit multiple pay lines at once, increasing the amount you can win, wahoo! For example, if you win 1.5x of your bet overall you might've hit 3 lines that pay 0.5x each or one pay line that won you 1x your bet, and another pay line that paid o.5x your bet amount. Cool huh?! ❤️This can help determine your playing style, we also have helpful info here! ⬇️ What is RTP? Choosing Games What is Volatility? Related articles What Is RTP? How Do I Check My Gameplay History? What Are Pay Tables? What Game Should I Play? Sign-Up Troubleshooting Tips! Comments 0 comments Article is closed for comments.