RUBY Rewards Verification Process Lila September 25, 2024 23:40 Updated Verifying your RUBY Rewards account is simple and easy! ❤️ Read below for a step by step guide! Firstly, you'll have to verify your phone number: 📱 After you've signed up to RUBY Rewards via the RUBY Rewards website, you'll be able to start the verification process! Enter your phone number and you will get a text on your mobile phone with a verification code. Enter the code in the space and you're onto the next step! Liveness Selfie: 🤳🏻 Position your face to fit the frame. Slowly move your head in a circular motion to capture all parts of your face. When taking this live photo, make sure you are not wearing accessories such as glasses or hats, you are in a well-lit environment, and your camera's lens is clean! ID Verification: 🪪 Firstly, you get to choose between 5 types of Government Issued Photo ID that have not expired: 1. Passport. 2. Driver's License. 3. ID Card. 4. Voter ID Card. 5. Services Identification Card. Then it'll give you the option to upload clear photos/files of your ID. 🥳 If it's for a Driver's License: Take a photo of the front of your ID and submit it into the file box. Then take a photo of the back of your ID and submit it into the file box. If it's for a Passport: Take a photo of the 'Photo Page' and submit it into the file box. Any others: Take a photo of the section/area that has a picture of you, your name, date of birth and the card issue date and submit it into the file box. For anything that isn't a Passport, make sure to include both the front side and the backside! Once you've completed all these steps - submit your full verification - it may take up to 10 minutes to process - and then you're done! 🌟 Reach out to our friendly Customer Support if you need any help! ❤️ Related articles Promotions with RUBY Rewards! What is the Monthly Promo Code? What Game Should I Play? What is Responsible Gaming? What Do the Redemption Statuses Mean? Comments 0 comments Article is closed for comments.